Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome To My BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been reading blogs for years and years.... well two years really, but it definitely felt like a million and three years. I have been reading blogs and yearning to actually read the books that my favorite blogs ranted and raved about. Between schoolwork and finances and just life, I could never really afford either the time to lounge reading or the cost of keeping up with my over enthusiastic reading habits. But this Christmas of 2011 that changed!

I guess no one talked with each other and everyone ended up getting me the same  for good old Xmas gift! Yes on December 25th at 12 a.m. I opened over $200 of different book gift cards! Finally I could get all the books I had been thinking about, and re-imagining, and hoping for.

When my mom saw just how much I got on gifts she was worried I'd just read them once and waste money. SO I convinced her that by me blogging I would be showing I appreciated my gifts, and also that it would be a good stepping stone for my dreams of a marketing job in publishing. Five shopping trips later, I present to you my blog:

The Reading Whims of Marnise

This will be my collection of reviews focused mainly on YA and Historical Romances. I will read anything though so there will be the odd Adult Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, and much more.  My review goal because I am still a college student is 2 -3 books a week. Depending on my course work that may vary. 

I am hoping to move on to Interviews from characters and authors, have giveaways and fun little reading challenges in the future. 

In the meanwhile comment with questions, suggestions and any little tid-bits and helpful hints; I am a young college student new to blogging!

Til next time,

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