Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cover Reveal: OTHERKIN by Nina Berry

Striking Isn't It

Title: Otherkin
Author: Nina Berry
Pub Date: July 31, 2012
Back Cover Text:

I thought I knew myself. Then I met Caleb.

Dez is a good girl who does as she’s told and tries not to be noticed.
Then she rescues a boy from a cage, and he tells her secrets about herself.
Now inside her burns a darkness that will transform her.

Everything is about to change -- and neither Caleb, nor the Otherkin, nor those who hunt them are prepared for what Dez will unleash.

So Hit or Miss

I'd read a few things around the web about Nina Berry's Debut Novel OTHERKIN and I'd wondered if I'd read it. I'm a little hit or miss myself when it come to shape shifting. Sometimes i'm all, "Yay!!!!!" and sometimes i'm all, "Psst. whatever." This fierce cover has definitely made me want to read and experience this story. I love how the eyes draw me in! Every which way I turn my head I can 'feel' the eyes of Dez on me. From just the intensity of this cover I definitely calling this a


Be sure to pre-order your copy of OTHERKIN from Amazon

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